Frinds Ship SMS

There is And bitween Sky and Earth, But there is
nothing bitween Me and You,but this And bitween Me
and u is Anybody Not Disturb

You cannot buy friendship, u can earn it.
If someone comes for help, be a true friend

A deep friend is like rainbow,
when the perfect amount of happiness and tears r mixed,
the result is a colorful bridge between 2 hearts.

Hold a true friend with both ur hands.
don't let go 4 true friend comes once in a lifetime.
That's why i'm holding u tight Cant let U go

Keep me as a friend I will keep in my heart lock it up
and  throw the key that no 1 take u away from me

the recipe of friendship 1 cup of sharing
2 cups of caring 3 cups of 4giveness
mix all of these 2gether to make friends 4ever

To forget u is hard 2 do and 2 forget me is up 2 u.
Forget me not, forget me never.
Forget this text, but not the sender

Age appears 2 be best in some things.
Old wood best 2 burn. Old books best to read.
Old rice best 2 eat and old friends best 2 keep

God picked up a flower and dipped it in a DEW,
lovingly touched it which turned in 2 u,
and the he gifted 2 me and said, THIS FRIEND IS 4U

Its not an achievement 2 make 1000's friends in a year,
but an achievement is when you make a friend for 1000's years.

GOD is so wise that he never created FRIENDS with pricetags,
Because.. if He did,I can't afford a precious FRIEND like YOU

Few realation in Earth Never Die.
Want 2 know What is it? Read again..
(F) Few (R) Realation (I) In (E) Earth (N) Never (D) Die

Friendship is needless,like philosophy,like art..
It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things
that give value to survival

Is Like Smell
u Can N
If u Wantever
Touch It
u Can Easily Feel It


When Someone
Allows u To
Bear His Burdens,
You Have
Found Deep
F .r.i.e.n.d.s.h.i.p

FRIENDSHIP is just lyk "H2o"
No colour
No shape
No place
No size
No money
No rich
No poor
Bt still essential 4 living and 4 forever.

A good frnd-
Not easy 2 obtain.

Once obtained-
Difficult 2 maintain.

Once lost-
Impossible 2 regain.


I'm Not Shakespear 2 Write About U.
I'm Not Sonu 2 Sing About U.
I'm Not MF Hussain 2 Paint U.
I'm Just ur Frnd 2 Say,
I'm Always With U.

"I thought u r very busy

so dint disturb u"

dis is d main reason behind most broken friendships.

so keep disturbing ur frnds as i did


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